The Steerables® SAS-100-WM suspends and aims loudspeakers from walls and other vertical structures.
Loudspeaker cabinets equipped with rigging points can be suspended and aimed with unprecedented ease and precision. Pan and tilt adjustments can be made or remade within seconds.
Ideal applications include permanently installed loudspeakers in churches, schools, gymnasiums, auditoriums, theme parks nightclubs, bars and restaurants.
The Steerables® unique Cross-Arm steering mechanism provides up to 360 degrees of pan control while tilting is achieved either through the addition of a standard Allen Products U-Series bracket or Steerables® Tilt Cable Kit (see respective data sheets for more details).
Adaptive Technologies SAS-100-WM Downloads
Manual - As of 1/26/2023
Spec Sheet - As of 1/26/2023
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